oh my baby, 
my babeliest boy,
 that shaggy headed 
angel. shrouded in joy,
just got the two sweetest of daughters
he cools their milks
 he warms their waters
and im too scared to meet them
if my cough startles them while they're sleeping
if my finger is incorrect and their vertabrae weaken

my most devoted 
of down ass girls,
the one with the blonde banana curls
moved so far away 
so she could have porch
and a fucking front yard 
 a tree to perch
and im too scared to pick up the phone
 i'll blame it on the kidney stone
a brunch date a bogus loan

im trying to keep dry, weather permitting
a forecast of torrential spitting
hiding at my sister's condo dog sitting
upon my pillow of mold
mild withdrall or chronic head cold
trails of popcorn
tears of fools gold